String Handling in Java

Edu Tech Learner


String handling in Java is the process of manipulating and performing operations on strings, which are objects that represent sequences of characters. Java provides a lot of built-in methods and classes to work with strings, such as:

- The `java.lang.String` class, which implements the `CharSequence` interface and is immutable, meaning it cannot be changed once created. This class provides methods such as `concat()`, `equals()`, `length()`, `replace()`, `substring()`, etc


- The `java.lang.StringBuffer` class, which is a peer class of `String` that represents growable and writable character sequences. This class is mutable, meaning it can be modified, and thread-safe, meaning it can be used in multi-threaded environments. This class provides methods such as `append()`, `delete()`, `insert()`, `reverse()`, etc. 


- The `java.lang.StringBuilder` class, which is similar to `StringBuffer` but not thread-safe, meaning it is faster but not suitable for concurrent access. This class also provides methods such as `append()`, `delete()`, `insert()`, `reverse()`, etc. 


- The `java.util.regex` package, which provides classes and methods for performing regular expression operations on strings, such as matching, replacing, splitting, etc. For example, the `Pattern` class represents a compiled regular expression, and the `Matcher` class represents an engine that performs match operations on a character sequence by interpreting a `Pattern`.

To create a string object in Java, there are two ways: by using string literals or by using the `new` keyword. String literals are enclosed in double quotes and are stored in a special memory area known as the string constant pool. If a string literal already exists in the pool, a reference to the pooled instance is returned. If not, a new string object is created and placed in the pool. For example:




String s1 = "Hello"; // creates one string object and one reference variable

String s2 = "Hello"; // creates no new object but reuses the existing one


Using the `new` keyword creates a new string object in the normal (non-pool) heap memory and also places the string literal in the string constant pool. The variable will refer to the object in the heap (non-pool). For example:




String s3 = new String("Hello"); // creates two objects and one reference variable


To compare two strings for equality, the `equals()` method should be used instead of the `==` operator, as the latter compares the references rather than the contents of the strings. For example:




String s4 = "Hello";

String s5 = new String("Hello");

System.out.println(s4 == s5); // false

System.out.println(s4.equals(s5)); // true


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